Ab dem 01.01.2023 wurde die Mehrwertsteuer für den Bau von PV-Anlagen bis 30 kW auf 0% gesenkt.
Für Bestellungen aus dem Ausland bitten wir Sie, uns Ihre Anfrage per E-Mail zu senden.

Unfortunately, due to the crisis, we are unable to keep our inventory and prices constantly up to date. Therefore, please ALWAYS call before making a purchase, or preferably, place your order via email. Thank you for your understanding.
4 pieces of 6-volt cells
with the type designation: Sun I power V L 6-400
previous designation: 6V 5 OpzS bloc.solar 400
We can usually supply you with any type and quantity of Hoppecke Batteries. This means that the price may vary depending on your needs. Please let us know what and how much you require, and we will provide you with the price.
All interconnecting cables for the batteries are pre-fabricated!
To minimize gas emissions and refill intervals, we can also provide you with the appropriate recombination plugs.
We also offer racks and acid trays tailored to fit your battery bank.
The key advantage of Hoppecke OpzS + OpzV batteries is their unbeatable lifespan of up to 8500 cycles with 20% utilization.
We would be happy to send you a technical datasheet and user manual via email.
Battery Disposal Information
In connection with the sale of batteries or the delivery of devices containing batteries, the provider is obligated to inform the customer of the following: The customer is legally obligated to return used batteries as an end user. He can return old batteries, which the provider carries or has carried as new batteries in its product range, free of charge to the shipping warehouse (shipping address) of the provider. The symbols shown on the batteries have the following meaning:
The symbol of the crossed-out dustbin means that the battery should not be disposed of with household waste.
Pb = Battery contains more than 0.004% lead by mass
Cd = Battery contains more than 0.002% cadmium by mass
Hg = Battery contains more than 0.0005% mercury by mass.